PSD Question Bank
Review Questions: PSD
- Write
the expression for angular speed of the stator mmf in mech rad/sec.
- Show
the variation of mmf along the stator surface with concentrated and
distributed winding.
- Write
the expression for fundamentals of mmf per pole with concentrated and
distributed winding.
- Show
the stator and rotor mmf waves in a synchronous machine.
- List
the basic equations that are required to describe the electrical part of
the SM.
- List
the assumptions made in the modeling of SM.
- List
the different types of winding in a SM.
- Draw
the seven winding model of a 3-phase SM.
- Show
the variation of permeance with rotor position.
- Write
the flux linkage equations for the seven windings of SM.
- Write
the voltage equations of SM.
- Describe
the approach to derive an expression for self inductance of stator winding
of SM.
- What
are the different methods of producing changing flux linkages?
- Give
the expression for transformer emf and speed emf.
- How
will you classify the electromagnetic machines using transformer emf and
speed emf?
- What
are the assumptions made in mathematical description of SM.
- What
are the windings considered in the
rotor side of the seven winding model of a 3-phase SM.
- Give
the turns ratio between the stator and f-winding before and after
transformation from abc to dq0.
- Give
the phasor diagram for the stator voltage equations.
- Write
the complete flux linkage equations in park’s coordinates.
- What
is stator transients?
- Write
the parks direct transformation and inverse transformation matrix.
- Write
the voltage equations after park’s transformation.
- Define
the term β.
- Derive
the expression for stator self inductance and show how it is varied as a
function of β.
- Derive
the expression for stator-to-stator mutual inductances.
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