Power system protection Question Bank
Review questions
Power system protection
Two marks
the essential features of a protective relay with reference to (i) Selectivity
(ii) sensitivity (iii) speed (vi) Reliability and dependability.
2. What do you mean by loss of excitation in
the context of generator protection?
3. What are the situations where there is no
need to use directional OC relays and the situations where directional relays
must be used.
4. What are the different types of
reactors? Give short note on each.
5. Draw the block diagram of numerical
protection and explain.
6. Why primary and back up protection are
needed for power system?
7. Discuss how an amplitude comparator can be
converted to a phase comparator and vice versa.
8. What do you mean by
incipient faults and how Buchholz relay is used to protect such a fault.
9. Sketch the high impedance busbar
differential protection for a three-phase busbar?
10. Write a short note on tap changing
11. Why over fluxing is harmful for the
12. What
are the various faults to which a turbo alternator is likely to be subjected?
13. What
are the situations where DTOC relays are preferred over IDMT relays?
14. What
are the situations were directional relays are needed?
15. How
mho relay is implemented using induction cup structure?
16. What
is the need for carrier aided protection of a transmission line?
17. Why
does a busbar differential scheme have a tendency to operate for external
18. What
is the need for supervisory relay in busbar differential relay scheme?
19. What are the advantages of numerical
relays over conventional relays?
20. Compare
the maximum allowable frequency with and without S/H.
21. Mention the different types of faults
involved in power system.
22. What are the merits and demerits of static
23. What is Buchholz relay and for what purpose
it is used?
24. What are the possible causes due to which
field excitation of an alternator may be lost?
25. Sketch the high impedance busbar
differential protection for a three-phase busbar.
26. What is the necessity of back up protection
in the transmission lines?
27. Mention the different types of reactors
available in power system.
28. What are the main purposes of a tap-changing
29. What are the different types of filters used
in digital relays?
30. What are the most common communication
mediums available in power systems?
16 marks
the construction and principle of operation of an attracted armature type
relays. (8)
(ii). In
detail explain the primary and back up protection scheme for a radial
distribution system and for the maloperation conditions. (8)
2. Explain the phenomenon of inrush. What are the factors on which the magnitude
of inrush current depends?
3. What are the various abnormal operating
conditions to which a modern turbo alternator is likely to be subjected?
Explain each in detail
For a 45 MVA, 11 KV, star-delta
transformer, design the percentage differential scheme. What is the minimum recommended percentage bias? (8)
(ii) Discuss
the loss of excitation and loss of prime mover of an alternator. (8)
5). Draw the characteristics of directional
relay and give the application of a directional relay to a three-phase feeder.
6). With a neat diagram explain the three
stepped distance protection of a transmission line and its trip contact
7(i). Explain the trip law for simple impedance
relay using the universal torque equation and implementation using balanced
beam structure. (8)
(ii) Explain
the trip law for reactance relay using the universal torque equation and
implementation using induction cup structure. (8)
8. For the radial system shown in Fig.
determine the settings of overcurrent relays at locations A, B and C.
supply 800/1 500/1 250/1
= 220A IL =
200A IF = 8000A IF
= 7000A
9. In detail explain the various booster protections
of a power system.
2.. In detail explain the various capacitor
protections of a power system.
10(i). In detail explain the numerical
over-current protection. (8)
(ii). In
detail explain the numerical transformer differential protection. (8)
11. Explain the numerical distance protection of
transmission line with the help of Mann and Morrison method.
12. Describe the construction and principle of
operation of an induction type relays and obtain the torque equation.
13. Explain the various stator
and rotor type of faults and its protection of an alternator.
14. Investigate the differential units, which
operate on a-g external and internal fault.
15(i). Explain the trip law for simple
impedance relay using the universal torque equation and implementation using
balanced beam structure. (8)
(ii) Explain
the trip law for mho relay using the universal torque equation and
implementation using induction cup structure. (8)
16. For the radial system shown in Fig. 8(b)
determine the settings for the IDMT OC relays at locations A and B.
Bus A Bus B Bus
If,min = 3500
If,min = 2000 If,min = 1000
If,max = 4000
If,max = 3000 If,max = 1500
Fig 8(b)
17. Explain the various reactor protections
available in power system.
18. In detail describe the internal and external
protection of a shunt capacitor
19. What are the various
abnormal operating conditions observed in the three-phase Induction motor from
mechanical side? Also provide the protections schemes for the above.
20. In detail explain the three stepped distance
protection of a transmission line and its trip contact configuration.
21 Explain the coupling and trapping of
the carrier signals into the desired line section and also explain the internal
and external fault protection using carrier-aided directional comparison
22. What is the need for high impedance
busbar protection when one of the CT is saturated and discuss how minimum
internal fault current can be detected by the high impedance busbar
differential scheme.
23. A 132 KV busbar consists of two
incoming and four outgoing lines. The system
is solidly earthed and the switchgear capacity is 3500 MVA at 132 KV. The parameters are: Maximum full-load current
in one line = 500 A, RS = 0.7 W, Rlead
wire = 2.0 W, Relay load (1A relay is used) =
1.0 W,
CT magnetizing current up to 120V = 0.28 mA/V and CT saturation voltage Vknee
= >120V.
the over-current relay in the spill path is set at 1.0 A and the Voltage
setting Vset is 100 V, find (a) the maximum ’through fault’ current
up to which the scheme will remain stable. (b) whether the answer in part (a)
is commensurate with the switchgear capacity. (c) the minimum internal fault
current which will be detected by the scheme. (d) the setting for detecting
minimum internal fault current by the scheme. (e) the value of the stabilizing
is required that a break in the pilot wire from a CT carrying a current of 25 A
and more should be detected by the supervisory relay. Calculate the setting of the supervisory
24). Describe the Least Error Squared technique
applied to numerical protection.
25. Describe the
mann and Morrison method applied to numerical distance protection of a
transmission line.
25(i). Describe the essential qualities of
protection system. (8)
(ii) Describe
the classification of protective relays based on technology. (8)
26 Describe the construction and principle of
operation of an induction type relays and obtain the torque equation.
27 Explain the phenomenon of inrush. What are the factors on which the magnitude
of inrush current depends?
28. Explain the various stator and rotor type of
faults and its protection of an alternator.
29. With a neat diagram explain differential
protection of busbars and implementation for an internal and external faults.
30. In detail explain the three stepped distance
protection of a transmission line and its trip contact configuration.
31 Explain the various reactor protections
available in power system.
32. In detail describe the internal and external
protection of a shunt capacitor.
33. Describe the numerical overcurrent
protection and transformer differential protection.
34. Explain the numerical distance protection of
transmission line with the help of Mann and Morrison method.
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