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EHV POWER TRANSMISSION Unit: II – Calculation of Line and Ground Parameters TWO MARKS with answer

, by questionbank2u

Unit: IICalculation of Line and Ground Parameters
1.    Define resistance?
It is the property of substance which opposes the flow of current through it. The resistance of element is denoted by the symbol “R”. It is measured in ohms ().
Where A is the cross sectional area.
is the resistivity.
L is the length.
2.    What are the effects of conductor resistance in EHV line?
·       Power loss in transmission caused by I2R heating.
·       Reduced current-carrying capacity of conductor in high ambient temperature regions.
·       The conductor resistance affects the attenuation of travelling waves due to lightning and switching operations, as well as radio-frequency energy generated by corona.
·       In these cases, the resistance is computed at the following range of frequencies: Lightning—100 to 200 kHz; Switching—1000-5000 Hz; Radio frequency—0.5 to 2 MHZ.
3.    Define standard conductors?
Conductors used for E.H.V transmission lines are always stranded. Most common conductors use a steel core for reinforcement of the strength of aluminium, but recently high tensile strength aluminium is being increasingly used, replacing the steel. The former is known as ACSR (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced) and the latter ACAR (Aluminium Conductor Alloy Reinforced).

4.    Define bundle conductors?
                   A bundle conductor is a conductor made up of two or more conductors called the sub conductors, per phase in close proximity compared with the spacing between phases.
5.    What are the parameters consider for modes of propagation?
           (a) Velocity of propagation, (b) attenuation, and
(c) Surge impedance.
6.    List out the properties of bundled conductors?
Bundled conductors are exclusively used for E.H.V transmission lines. Only one line in the world, that of the Bonneville Power Administration in the U.S.A., has used a special expanded ACSR conductor of 2.5 inch diameter for their 525 kV line.

7.    Define GMR?
A bundle of N-sub-conductors can be replaced by a single conductor having an equivalent radius. This is called the 'Geometric Mean Radius' or simply the 'Equivalent Radius.' It will be shown below that its value is
req = (N.r.RN–1)1/N = r[N.(R/r)N–1]1/N = R(N.r/R)1/N

8.    Define bundle spacing and its formula?
The spacing between adjacent sub-conductors is termed 'Bundle Spacing' and denoted by B.
B=R/2 sin (π/N)

9.    Define bundle radius?
The radius of the pitch circle on which the sub-conductors are located will be called the 'Bundle Radius', denoted as R. The radius of each sub-conductor is r with diameter d. The angle sub-tended at the centre by adjacent sub-conductors is (2p/N) radians, and it is readily seen that
R=B/2 sin (π/N)

10.                      Define inductance?
It is the property of a substance which stores energy in the form of electromagnetic field. The Inductance of element is denoted by the symbol “L”. It is measured in Hendry (H).

11.    What are the assumptions in bundle conductors?
·       The bundle spacing (B) between adjacent sub-conductors on the bundle radius R is very small compared to the height of H of the phase conductor above ground.
·       The total current carried by the bundle is I and that of each sub conductor is I=I/N.
·       Internal flux linkages are omitted.

12.    Define Maxwell’s co-efficient?
The inductance L=0.2 ln(2H/r) of a single conductor located above a ground plane. The factor p=ln(2H/r) is known as Maxwell’s coefficient.
L=0.2 (p) µH/m (or) mH/km

13.    Define capacitance?
It is the property of a substance which stores energy in the form of electrostatic field. The capacitance of element is denoted by the symbol “C”. It is measured in Farads (F).
14.    Define self inductance?
The diagonal elements of the inductance matrix [L]n*n represent the self-inductances.
Self inductance (Ls) = Sum of diagonal elements/3

15.    Define mutual inductance?
The off-diagonal elements of the inductance matrix [L]n*n represent the mutual-inductances.
Mutual Inductance = Sum of off diagonal elements/3

16.    What is the use of modes propagation?
·       A design of carrier equipment for speed and protection where the attenuation signals and their distortion is of primary concern in determining the transmitter and receiver powers.
·       Propagation of switching and lightning surges on the lines which causes over voltages and control the design of insulation clearness.

17.    What are the assumptions in potential co-efficient for bundle conductor lines?
·       The bundle dimensions B and R are small compared to line height H.
·       B and R are small compared to the spacing S from the center of one phase to another.

18.    Define modified Clarke transformation?
The resulting Eigen-values for both inductance and capacitance are equal to the zero-, positive-, and negative sequence Quantities obtained from Fortescue's transformation using phasors in the transformation matrix. Here, we have used only real numbers to effect the diagonalization procedure. The resulting [T] and [T]–1 are called 'Modified Clarke Transformation' matrices.

19.    Write the shorts notes on untransposed and transposed line inductance?
The inductance of untransposed line inductance is given by
[L]ut=0.2 * [P]
The line inductance in transposed line is given by
[L]transposed = [Ls Lm Lm
                    Lm Ls Lm
                     Lm Lm Ls]

20.    Define internal inductance and its formula?
The flux linkage per ampere is called inductance.
LI=0.5*10-7 H/m

21.    Define external inductance and its formula?
The flux linkage of conductor due to external flux up to x distance is called external inductance.
Le=0.2 ln(x/r) µH/m
x is the distance.
r is the radius of conductor.

22.    What are the characteristics of pole conductors?
·       Velocity propagation.
·       Attenuation.
·       Surge impedance.

23.    What are the effects of ground currents in system performance?
·       Flow of current during short circuit involving ground. These are confirmed to single line to ground and double line to ground faults the system is still balanced.
·       Switching operations and lightning phenomena.
·       Propagation of waves on conductors.
·       Radio noise studies.

24.    Calculate the req for line whose configuration is 400kv, N=2, d=3.18cm, B=45cm.
400kv, N=2

25.    A 345 kv line has an ACSR bluebird conductor 1.762 inches (0.04477m) in diameter with an equivalent radius for inductance calculation of 0.0179m. The line height is 12m. Calculate the inductance per km length of conductor and error caused by neglecting the internal flux linkage?

L=0.2 ln (24/0.0179)
 = 1.44 mH/km
If internal flux linkage is neglected
L=0.2 ln (24/0.02238)
= 1.3955 mH/km
Error = (1.44-1.3955)*100/1.44
Outer radius = 0.0179/0.02238
For a round solid conductor
GMR=0.7788*outer radius
1.    A 3-phase 750 kV horizontal line has minimum height of 12 m, sag at mid span = 12 m. Phase spacing S = 15 m. Conductors are   4 × 0.035 m with bundle spacing of B = 0.4572 m. Calculate per
(a) The matrix of Maxwell's Potential coefficients for an         untransposed configuration.
(b) The inductance and capacitance matrices for untransposed and transposed configurations.
(c) The zero-, positive-, and negative-sequence inductances and capacitances for transposed line.
    (d) The ground-return resistance and inductance matrices at 750 Hz taking rs = 100ohm-metre.
For calculation take Hav = Hmin + Sag/3.
2.    Repeat problem 1 for a 1150-kV delta configuration of the 3-phases with average height of 18 m for the lower conductors, 36 m for the top conductor, and spacing of 24 m between bottom conductors. Bundle radius = 0.6 m and conductor size = 6 × 0.046 m diameter. f = 1000 Hz and rs = 50 ohm-metre.
3.    Diagonalize the matrix
                 [D]=Unity 3X3 Matrix.
Give eigenvalues and eigen-vector matrices.
4.    Discuss the convenience offered by using modes of propagation and possible uses of this technique.
5.    The capacitance matrix of a 750-kV horizontal configuration line is   [C]= 
 (a) Find the 3 eigenvalues of the matrix,  .
(b) Diagonalize the matrix by evaluating suitable transformation matrix [T] and its inverse [T ]–1.
(c) Then prove that
[T ]–1 [C] [T ]= Diagonal element of eigen values
6.    In problems 1 and2  calculate the charging current supplied. Assume full transposition and place all the capacitance at the line entrance across the source. L =400 km.
10. In Fig. 3.18 show that the voltage drop from A to B and B' to A add to{(Rc + Rg) + s(Ls + Lg)} I1 + (Rg + sLm + sLg) I2 + (Rg + sLm + sLg)
where s = the Laplace-Transform operator.
7.    Using the transformation matrices for diagonalizing the matrix [D], prove without multiplying, that the same transformation matrices will diagonalizable the inductance or capacitance matrices of a fully-transposed line of the type.[L] transposed matrix
(a) If l1, l2, l3 are the eigenvalues of matrix [C] and given that [L][C] = [U]/g2, prove that the eigenvalues of [L] will be m1 = 1/g2l1, m2 = 1/g2l2 and m3 = 1/g2l3. In general, prove that if l1, l2, l3 are eigenvalues of a matrix [M], then the eigenvalues of its inverse are the reciprocals of  lamda values
8.    The following transformation matrix is attributed to Karrenbauer.
[ T ]=  having the three eigenvectors (1, 1, – 2),(1, – 2, 1) and(1, 1, 1)
(a) Calculate [ T ]–1.
(b) Normalize [ T ] and [ T ]–1.
(c) Prove that [ T ]–1 [L]t [ T ] give a diagonal matrix for the inductance of a fully transposed line. Determine the eigenvalues of [L]t.
(d) Check that [ T ]–1 [C]t [ T ] is also diagonal where [L]t[ C ]t = [ U ]/g2.
(e) Interpret the eigenvectors of the Karrenbauer transformation matrix.
( f ) Is this type of transformation unitary
9.    The dimensions of a 3-phase 400-kV horizontal line  are:
H = 15 m, S = 11 m phase separation, conductor 2 × 3.18 cm dia, and B = 45.72 cm. Calculate.
(a)            the matrix of inductances per km, for untransposed configuration, and
(b)            the same when there is complete transposition.
10.                       The dimensions of a 3-phase 400-kV horizontal line,  are:
H = 15 m, S = 11 m phase separation, conductor 2 × 3.18 cm dia, and B = 45.72 cm. Calculate.
(a)            the matrix of capacitance km, for untransposed configuration, and
     (b) the same when there is complete transposition.

