[1] Suppose Double the voltage in a simple dc circuit and cut the resistance in half , then the current will
A. Become four times as great
B. Become twice as great
C. Stay the same as it was before
D. Become half as great
Ans: A
[2] If four resistors are connected in series, each with a value of 4Kohm, the total resistance is
A. 1k Ω
B. 4 k Ω
C. 8 k Ω
D. 16 k Ω
Ans: D
[3] Three resistors each with a value of 0.069M ohm are in parallel. The total resistance is
A. 23 Ω
B. 23 K Ω
C. 204 Ω
D. 0.2 m Ω
[4] Proper biasing in an amplifier circuit
A. Causes it to oscillate
B. Prevents an impedance match
C. Can be obtained using a voltage divider network
D. Maximizes current flow
Ans: C
[5] A transistor can be protected from needless overheating by
A. A current-limiting resistor
B. Bleeder resistors
C. Maximizing the drive
D. Shorting out the power supply when the circuit is off
Ans: C
[6] A bleeder resistor
A. Is connected across the capacitor in a power supply
B. Keeps a transistor from drawing too much current
C. Prevents an amplifier from being over driven
D. Optimizes the efficiency of an amplifier
Ans: B
[7] An advantage of rheostat over a potentiometer is
A. Rheostat can handle higher frequencies
B. Rheostat is more precise
C. Rheostat can handle more current
D. Rheostat works better with dc
Ans: A
[8] The average power delivered to an impedance (4 - j3)Ω by a current 5cos(100πt + 100π)A is [GATE 2012]
a. 44.2W
b. 50W
c. 62.5W
d. 125W
Ans: B
a. 4 V
b. 5 V
c. 8 V
d. 10 V
Ans: A
[10]The bridge method commonly used for finding mutual inductance is [GATE 2012]
a. Heaviside Campbell bridge
b. Schering bridge
c. De Sauty bridge
d. Wien bridge
Ans: A Solution Hint: Heaviside-campbell equal ratio bridge is used for measuring self-inductance in terms of mutural inductance. Schering bridge = used for measuring capacitance and dielectric loss of a capacitor. De Sauty bridge = used for comparing the capacitances of two capacitors. Wien bridge = used for audio-frequency measurement of capacitors over a wide range.
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