CS2253 Computer Organization and Architecture - Most Important Questions 2014 Edition
CS2253 Computer Organization and Architecture - Most Important Questions 2014 Edition
Anna University , Chennai
computer Science Engineering Department
II Year CSE – IV sem
CS2253 Computer Organization and Architecture
Most Important Questions – 2014 Edition
Unit 1
1. Explain the Differences between CISC & RISC2. Explain the various Instruction types?
3. Write in detail about various addressing modes.
4. Explain the various generations of Computer
5. Explain the Booth’s algorithm for multiplication of signed two’s Complement numbers. 6. Explain the multiple bus organization in detail.
7. Explain the floating point addition and subtraction
8. State the Non – restoring division technique
9. Draw and explain the flowchart of floating point addition process
10. Explain with a diagram the designs of a fast multiplier using carry save Adder circuit .Give the block diagram for a floating point adder / sub tractor unit and discuss its operation
1. Explain the concept of hardwired control unit (16)2. Explain the concept of micro programmed control unit (16)
3. a. Sketch and explain the multiple bus organization (8)
b. Explain the execution of complete instruction (8)
4. Explain in detail about nano-programming (16)
1. Describe in detail about pipeline processing. (16)2. a. Explain in detail about data hazards (10)
b. Briefly explain about different types of exception. (6)
3. Explain in detail about instruction hazards (16)
4. Explain in detail about the following
a) Influence on instruction set (8)
b) Data path considerations (8)
1. Illustrate the characteristics of some common memory technologies. (16)2. (a)Describe in detail about associative memory. (8)
(b) Comparing paging and segmentation mechanisms for implementing the virtual memory. (8)
3. What is Memory Interleaving? Explain the addressing of multiple modules Memory system. (16)
4. Discuss the different mapping techniques used in cache memories and their relative merits and demerits. (16)
5. What do you mean by virtual memory? Discuss how paging helps in implementing virtual memory. (16)
6. (a) Discuss any six ways of improving the cache performance. (8)
(b) Illustrate memory read and write operation. (8)
1. Explain with the block diagram the DMA transfer in a computer System. (16)2. (a) Describe in detail about IOP organization. (8)
(b) Describe the data transfer method using DMA. (8)
3. Write short notes on the following
(a) Magnetic disk drive (8)
(b) Optical drives (8)
4. Discuss the design of a typical input or output interface. (16)
5. What are interrupts? How are they handled? (16)
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