(SVC & Applications)
1. Write the advantages of slope in the SVC dynamic characteristics.
2. Compare fixed series compensation and fixed shunt compensation.
3. What are the objectives of FACTs devices?
4. What are the basic types of FACTs controllers?
5. What are three basic modes of SVC control?
6. Specify the major benefits of SVC in HVDC transmission system.
7. Write the applications of SVC.
8. How is voltage instability identified in the power system?
9. Define the term Static Var Compensator (SVC).
10. What is the best location for SVC? Justify.
11. Draw the power angle characteristics of a two machine system with and
without shunt compensation.
12. State the advantage of linear operating characteristics of compensator.
13. How the capacitive and inductive ranges are varied?
14. What are the advantages of the slope in the SVC dynamic characteristics?
15. Define ESCR?
16. Define System gain.
17. How to calculate the base susceptance value?
18. How to control the contribution of TSC & TCR?
19. Define simplistic.
20. What are the steps including the input of generator dynamics in SVC
voltage regulator?
21. What are the objectives of SVC?
22. What are the advantages of TSCTCR type of SVC over FC-TCR type?
23. Define transfer function of ESCR?
24. Define TIF and THD.
25. Define voltage distortion factor.
26. Define IT product.
1. Explain the operation of the SVC with TSC and TCR combination and
derive the equations used. Also explain how the SVC is able to regulate the
2. Explain about the IEEE basic models that are available for the SVC to
represent in the stability studies.
3. Show that with power angle curve the SVC can enhance the transient
stability margin.
4. Draw and explain the IEEE basic model 1 and model 2 for SVC control system.
5. Explain in detail using power angle curves, how SVC enhance transient
stability of a power system.
6. Explain about the performance of SVC in controlling voltage in a power
7. What are the advantages of slope in the dynamic characteristics of SVC?
8. Briefly describe the way by which the transient stability is enhanced due
to static var compensator.
9. Explain the design of SVC voltage
regulator in detail.
10. Explain the different applications of SVC.
11. Explain the design of SVC voltage regulator and discuss the voltage
control capability of SVC.
12. Discuss in detail about the role of SVC in improving the stability limit
and enhancing the power system damping.
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