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Flexible ac transmission system important questions

, by questionbank2u

Flexible ac transmission system important questions

1.      a. (i) Describe briefly the load and system compensation schemes.                             (8)
   (ii)Explain the operation of UPFC with vector diagrams.                                          (8)
(or)                                          (May/June 2010)
b. (i) Explain the reactive power compensation at the sending, midpoint and receiving ends of the
         transmission lines.                                                                                              (8)
   (ii)Discuss the effect of series and shunt compensation schemes on the power transfer
capacity.                                                                                                                (8)
2.      a. Discuss the different advantages of slope in dynamic characteristics of SVC.
(or)                                          (April/May 2011)
            b. Explain the method of enhancing the transient stability of power system with SVC.
3.      a. Explain the variable reactance model of TCSC with neat diagram.
(or)                                          (Nov/Dec 2008)
            b. Explain the different applications of TCSC.
4.       a. Explain the principle of operation and VI characteristics of STATCOM with neat sketch.
 b. Explain the basic operating principle and the control capability of UPFC.
(May/June 2008)
5.       a. Explain the following interactions that are occurring in multiple FACTS controllers using frequency response of FACTS controllers.                                      (Nov/Dec2006)
(i)                 Steady state interactions                                                                                   (3)
(ii)               Electromechanical Oscillations                                                                        (3)
(iii)             Small signal Oscillations                                                                      (3)
(iv)             SSR interactions                                                                                   (4)
(v)               High frequency interactions                                                                 (3)
            b. Discuss in detail about SVC-SVC interaction.                                              (April/May 2011)

1.      a. With a neat schematic diagram, explain the various basic FACTS controllers in detail.
(or)                                          (May/June 2010)
            b. Explain the working and characteristics of Thyristor Switched series Capacitor with neat
2.      a. (i) Explain about the performance of SVC in controlling voltage in a power system.          (8)
(May/June 2007)
(ii) What are the advantages of slope in the dynamic characteristics of SVC?             (8)
(May/June 2007)
b. Explain the different applications of TCSC.                                                (Nov/Dec 2008)
3.      a. With a neat block diagram, explain the different modes of operation of TCSC
(May/June 2007)
            b. Explain the variable reactance model of TCSC and hence derive transient stability, long term
stability models.                                                                                   (Nov/Dec2006)
4.      a. Explain the principle of operation and applications of UPFC.                     (Nov/Dec2006)
b. (i) Explain the operation of STATCOM with an aid of block diagram.                                (8)
(May/June 2007)
    (ii) Describe the VI characteristics of STATCOM.                                                   (8)                                                                                                                    (May/June 2007)
5.      a. Briefly describe the coordination procedure of multiple controllers using linear control
techniques.                                                                                          (May/June 2010)

            b. Explain the following linear control techniques used for coordination of multiple controllers
                                                        i.            Linear quadratic regulator based techniques.                                       (4)
                                                      ii.            Global coordination using nonlinear constrained optimization.                       (6)
                                                    iii.            Control coordination using genetic algorithms                                     (6)

1.      How is reactive power controlled, using FACTS devices?                   (May/June 2010)
2.      Which factor of power system is improved through series compensation?(April/May 2011)
3.      What are the different types of compensation schemes?                                 (May/June 2010)
4.      Give some example for shunt connected FACTS controller
5.      Write the basic FACTS controllers with one example each?
6.      Define FACTS Controller
7.      Draw the VI characteristics of SVC.                                                    (April/May 2011)
8.      Specify the major benefits of SVC in HVDC transmission line.                      (Nov/Dec2006)
9.      Give some applications for saturated reactor and synchronous condenser
10.  Give the advantages of slope in the VI characteristics of SVC
11.  Give some applications of SVC
12.  What are the general characteristics of SVC
13.  Draw the basic module of TCSC.                                                        (Nov/Dec2006)
14.  What is Bang-Bang control?                                                                (Nov/Dec2006)
15.  What is the need for variable series compensation?
16.  Give some advantages of TCSC
17.  What are the time limited regions of TCSC operations?
18.  Write any five applications of TCSC?
19.  What is the role of DC link in UPFC?                                                  (May/June 2007)
20.  What is the function of a STATCOM?                                                 (May/June 2008)
21.  What is the difference between SVC and STATCOM?                                    (April/May 2011)
22.  List any two power system performance that can be improved by STATCOM.
23.  Draw the VI characteristics of STATCOM
24.  What are the different constraints for UPFC operation? 
25.  What is the need for coordination of different FACTS controllers?     (May/June 2008)
26.  What are the basic procedures of controller design?
27.  What do you understand by controller interactions?                            (May/June 2010)
28.  What is genetic algorithm?                                                                   (May/June 2010)
29.  What are the different controller interactions?
30.  Write the criteria expected to be satisfied by damping controller?

1.      What are the different types of compensation schemes?                                 (May/June 2010)
2.      State the need for reactive power control.                                            (Nov/Dec 2008)
3.      How is reactive power controlled, using FACTS devices?                   (May/June 2007)
4.      Define FACTS                                                                                                 (May/June 2012)
5.      Write the difference between TSSC and TCSC                                                (May/June 2012)
6.      Compare UPFC and IPFC.
7.      Define the term Static VAR Compensator (SVC).                                (Nov/Dec 2008)
8.      What is the best location for SVC? Justify.                                          (Nov/Dec 2008)
9.      Draw the VI characteristics of SVC
10.  Give some applications for SVC
11.  Draw the power angle cure for SVC compensated SMIB system.
12.  Write short notes on synchronous condenser?
13.  What are the different modes of operation of TCSC?                          (May/June 2010)
14.  What are the applications of TCSC?                                                    (May/June 2010)
15.  Draw the practical module of TCSC.
16.  Draw the VI characteristics of two module TCSC.
17.  List the TCSC losses.
18.  Draw the block diagram of variable reactance model of TCSC
19.  What are the difference between SVC and STATCOM?                                  (April/May 2011)
20.  Draw the VI characteristics of STATCOM.                                          (Nov/Dec2006)
21.  What is the difference between SVC and STATCOM? (May/June 2012) (April/May 2011)
22.  Write the various modes of operation of UPFC
23.  What are the parameters that can improve by STATCOM in power system?
24.  Draw the basic module of UPFC.
25.  What do you understand by controller interactions?                            (May/June 2010)
26.  What is the need for coordination of FACTS controllers?                               (Nov/Dec 2008)
27.  Give the various combinations for controller interaction.
28.  What are the basic procedures for controller design?
29.  Give some assumptions in controller coordination for damping enhancement.
30.  Write the frequency ranges for various controller interactions?

