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Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation important questions

, by questionbank2u

Anna University 

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 

EE2451 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation 


1. Explain in detail about the electric energy generated by tidal power and wind power.

2. Write about the concepts of distributed generation and the effect on supply operation

3. Describe with a block diagram the combined operation of MHD and thermal power plant

4. What are the various types of turbines used for hydro stationas

5. Explain with neat sketches, the principles of operation of geo thermal power plant.


1. Explain the need for energy conservation.

2. Discuss about energy auditing

3. Discuss the various methods to improve power factorand its application.

4. Define power quality and explain its related terms

5. Explain with neat sketch about the load duration curve


1. With aneat diagram explain the working of high power sodium vapour lamp

2. A lamp of 500 c.p is placed at the center of a room(20*10*5)m2 calculate illumination in eaxch corner of a room.

3. Describe the expression for distance and length of a heating element.

4. Explain the construction and operating principle ofwelding transformer and its characteristics.

5. Explain the various types of lightning system.


1. Explain the different methods of traction motor control.

2. Explain in detail about the mechanism of train movement and its derivation.

3. Describe in detail the recent trends available in electric traction system.

4. Discuss the main features of the various train services.

5. Explain the requirement for ideal traction and showwhich drive satisfices almost all

the requirements


1. Mention the criteria to be considered while selecing a motor for a specific application. Explain briefly.


2. Discuss the various methods of speed control of industrial drive with example.

3. Explain briefly about the load equalization.

4. Explain the torque speed characteristics of speed control of dc drive.

5. Explain the various operational condition of induction motor.

