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Electric Energy Generation, Utilization & Conservation QUESTION BANK FOR ( 2 MARKS) & (16 MARKS)

, by questionbank2u

SUBJECT CODE & NAME : EE1451 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization & Conservation 
PART – A  ( 2MARKS) 
1. What is turbine?
2. What are the two basic types of hydro electric systems?
3. What is economizer and its use?
4. What is known as moderator?
5. What are control rods in the nuclear power plant?
6. What is photovoltaic cell?
7. What is meant by distributed generation?
8. List out some of the advantages of utilization the renewable energy sources.
9. What is the principles of MHD generation?
10. What is meant by Tidal plant?
11. What is super heater in a Thermal plant?
12. What is Geo thermal energy?
13. What is half life period ofa radio-active material?

PART – B    (16 MARKS) 
1. Explain various non conventional sources of electrical energy.(16)
2. Draw a layout for a thermal plant and explain the functions of each components of
that plant.(16)
3. What is meant by chain reaction in nuclear power plant Also explain the process of
nuclear fusion?(16)
4. With need sketches explain the principle of operation of a geo thermal power
5. (a) Mention the advantages and Disadvantages of hydro-power plant (8)
(b) Explain the functions of the following 1. Reservoir, 2. Dam, 3. Spill ways, 4.
Intake, 5. Fore bay, 6. Penstock, 7. Surge tank. (8)
6. (a) What is wind power? How does it work? (8)      
(b) What is solar power plant system?(8)
7. What are pumped storage plants? Describe with need sketch the principle of
operation of such a plant Also discuss the roleof this plant in a large inter-connected
power system?(16)
8. Explain with neat sketch various methods of tidal power generation and the
limitations of each method.(16)
9. Describe with neat sketch the construction and principle of operation of an electro
static precipitator. Discuss its advantage over mechanical ash separators.(16)
10. Write short notes on 1. Condensers, 2. Economizers. 3.Air pre heaters 4. Super
heater. 5. feed water system. 6.Cooling tower. (16)

PART – A   ( 2MARKS) 
1. What is meant by Demand charges?
2. What is load duration curve?
3. Define energy Audit?
4. List the various types of equipment that can cause power quality problems.
5. What do harmonics do?
6. What is sags dips and swells?
7. Define Diversity factor?
8. What are the functions of Bureau of Energy Efficiency?
9. What is meant by base load?
10. What are the factors that influence fixing up of tariff to the consumers?
11. What is the need for depreciation reserve?
12. Define Energy Audit.
13. What is the necessity of reserve Capacity in Power plant?
PART – B   (16 MARKS)
1. What is cost of electrical generation? Whatare the various types of cost associated
with power generation.(16)
2. The monthly reading of a consumer meter are as follows  
Maximum demand =150kw , Energy consumed 1X 10
Reactive energy = 75MVARhr,            
If the tariff is Rs 50per KWper month of maximum demand+ 15Paise per unit + Rs
3 per KW for each 0.1 P.f below 0.8, calculate the monthly bill of the consumer.(16)
3. What is a tariff? Discuss and compare various tariff used in practice.(16)
4. (a) Explain the term depreciation and discuss various methods of calculating the
depreciation of an electrical plant. (8)        
(b) What are load curves and load duration curves? Discuss their utility in the
economics of generation (8)
5. A generating stations as a maximum demand (MD) of 15 MW and the daily load
curve on the station is as follows,            
10pm to 05 am 2500 KW 01pm to 04pm 10000KW  
05am to 07 am 3000KW 04pm to 06pm12000KW  
07pm to 11am 9000KW 06 pm to 08pm 15000KW  
11am to 01pm 6000KW 08pm to 10pm 5000KW
Determine the size and the number of generator units, plant load factor, plant
capacity factor, use factor and reserve capacity of plant (16)
6. (a). what is the need for power factor correction? (4)      
(b). A 3phase syn. Motor is connected inparallel with a load of 500 KW, 0.8p.f
lagging and its excitation is adjusted until it raises the total p.f to 0.9 lagging. If the
mechnical load on the motor including loss takes 125KW, calculate the KVA input to
the motor. Draw pharos diagram for condition. (12)
1. Define Brightness.
2. Define Glare.
3. Define Lambert Cosine law.
4. Define Inverse Square Law.
5. Define Solid angle.
6. Define Angstron unit.
7. Define Candela.
8. Define MSCP.
9. Define Luminous flux.
10. What are the advantagesof a filament lamp?
11. Why is a filament lamp filled with inert gas?
12. What is Stroboscopic effect?
13. Explain the working of thermal starter.
14. Define candle power.
15. Define Absorption factor.
16. Show how to connect a fluorescent lamp for DC operation?
17. What is flood lighting where is it generally used?
18. State the advantages of electric heating.
19. State the properties of a heating element that you will look for.
20. Explain the high frequency method of electric heating.
21. Explain the advantages of induction heating
22. Explain the working of water heaters of various types.
23. Explain the working of electric hot plate

24. Explain why very high frequencies should not be used for dielectric heating.
25. Give relative advantages and disadvantagesof direct and indirect arc furnace
26. Compare the performance of various electrodes used in electric arc furnace
27. How high frequency supply is obtained.
28. Describe various types of electric arc welding
29. What do you understand by resistance welding?
30. What is welding?
31. What are the different types of electric welding
32. Explain clearly pinch effect.
PART – B  (16 MARKS) 
1. (a) Explain the method of working of a Neon lamp with a neat sketch (12)   
(b) state the Lambert’s cosine law of illumination. (4)
2. Estimate the number and wattage of lamps which would be required to illuminate
ever shop space 60 X 15metres, by meansof lamps mounted 5metres above the
working plane. The average illumination required is about 100 Flux, Co-efficient of
utilization = 0.4, luminous efficiency is 16 lumens per Watt. Assume a space height
ratio of unity candle power depreciation of 20% (16)
3. (a) Two lamps one 200cp and another 500cp are hung at a height of 10metres and
25metres respectively. The horizontal distance between the poles is 80metres.
Determine the illumination at the mid point between the poles on the ground. (10)
(b) What are the requirement of good heating materials? (6)
4. (a) What are the types of ARC furnace? Describe the operation of them.(8)
(b) Discuss the characteristic requirement of welding generator sets (both AC and
DC). (8)
5. (a). Explain the working of a sodiumvapour lamp with in a neat sketch.(12)
(b). List the advantages of electric heating (4)
6. (a). Explain the working of core type induction furnace with a neat sketch.(8)  
(b). A 5KW, 440volts, 3 phase resistance oven is to have a 3star connected
nichrome strip of 0.3mm thick heating element. If the wire temperature is to be
1500°c and that of the charge 1000°c, estimate the suitable width of the strip
resistively of nichrome alloy is 1.016 X 10
assume the radiating efficiency and
emissivity of the element as0.6 and 0.91 respectively.(8)
7. Explain the operation principle and working of a mercury vapour lamp and compare
its performance with a fluorescent lamp. Describe with a neat sketch the principle of
operation of a fluorescent lamp. Mention the function of each component. (16)

8. Explain the types of lamps and lighting fitments you should select for
(i)A large machine shop with rows of drilling machines
(ii) A drawing office and lathes (16)
9. (a) A 100 c.p lamp is hung 2m above the centre of a circular area of 3 diameters.
Determine the illumination at
i) the centre of the area,  ii) a point on the circumference of the area, iii) average
illumination. Find also the average illumination, if a reflector of 50% efficiency is
used. (8)
(b) A lamp of 300 c.p. is placed 1.5 m below a reflecting plane mirror surface, which
reflects 70% of the light falling on it. Find the illumination at a point 4m. (8)
10 (a) Explain the principle of street lighting? Show different types of lighting with neat
sketches .(8)
(b) Discuss ( i) Specular reflection principle.
(ii) Diffusion principle of street lighting. (8)
11. (a)What is dielectric heating? How is this different. (8)      
(b) A laminated plywood board 40cm x 25 cm x 1.8 cm is to be heated from 25º C to
160º C in 12 minutes, using 25 MHz supply, specific heat of wood is to be taken as
0.32, density is 0.6 g / cm
, relative permittivity of wood is 6 and power factor 0.05. Find
the supply voltage, power required and currentdrawn. Take the efficiency of the
process as 75% (8)
12.(a)Explain the construction and working principle of dielectric heating (8)
(b) Calculate the energy required to melt one metric ton of brass in a single – phase
induction furnace. If the timetaken is 1.5 hr,find the power input to the furnace.
Specific heat of brass = 0.094
Latent heat offusion of brass = 38 kcal / kg
Melting point of brass = 920º C
Furnace efficiency = 80%, Temperature ofcharge = 20º C (8)

PART – A  ( 2MARKS) 
1. What various traction systems you know of?
2. Discuss merits and demerits of steam engine drive.
3. Make a comparison of AC and DC traction.
4. What are the different systems of railway electrification?
5. What are different systemsof track electrification?
6. What are the merits and demerits ofD.C system of track electrification?
7. What are the disadvantages of third rail system of track electrification?
8. What are the various supply arrangements of feeding at traction substation?
9. What are the functionsof a D.C. sub station?
10. What are various current collection systems?
11. What are the factors affecting the schedule speed of a train?
12. What is the difference between dead weight and accelerating weight of a locomotive.
13. What are the factors affecting slip of traction unit?
14. Write a short notes on Track equipment and collector gear.
15. What do you meant by traction effort?
16. What are the advantagesof electric braking?
17. How directions of rotation of a traction motor is reversed?
18. Why three phase traction system employing induction motors is now obsolete; give
19. Compare the various types of braking methods.
20. Write short notes on conductor shoe.
21. Write short notes on Bow and Pantograph collectors.
22. What is the scope of application of battery drive.
23. Write a short note on energy efficient motor.
24. Discuss the current trends in AC traction systems.
25. What is the main draw back of pole collector?
26. What are the disadvantages of bow collector?
27. What are the different types of pantographs and where they are used?

PART – B    (16 MARKS) 
1. (a) Sketch the typical speed-time curve for(1) Main line service and to sub – urban
services in electric Traction. (10)    
(b) Explain the mechanics of train movement (6)
2. (a) What is multiple unit control in electric train and Explain in details each one of
them? (8)
(b) what are different braking systems and explain them in details? (8)
3. (a) What are the speed control of different system of motors used in electric
train. (10)              
(b) “Define co-efficient of adhesion “ and explain the factors on which it  
depends. (6)
4. (a). Discuss the various arrangement of current collection used in electric traction.
( b). Write short notes on the recent trends in electric traction. (8)
5. Two stations A & B are 12Km apart and average speed of the train is 60Kmph. The
acceleration is 5Kmph, retardation during coasting is 0.3kmph and braking is
5Kmph respectively. Taking quadrilateral approximation of speed, time curve,
determine the duration of acceleration, coasting and braking periods and distance
covered during these periods. (16)
6. State the principle of regenerative braking. Explain regenerative braking in respect
of a. DC motors, b. Induction motors. (16)
7. (a)What are the various methods of speed control of series motors and their scope
of speed range? (8)
(b) Discuss the merits and demerits of the induction motor for traction duties. What
is your view regarding its adoption for future traction? (8)
8. (a) What is the main advantage of seriesparallel control of motors over rheostatic
method of starting and speed control? (8)
(b) What is multiple unit control and for what application will you suggests this? (8)
PART – A  ( 2MARKS) 
1. What is load equalization?
2. Why are electric motors generallypreferred for industrial Drives?
3. Compared a group drive and an individual drive.
4. What is four quadrant operation in drive systems?
5. What is plugging incase of motors?
6. What are the various types of motor enclosures?
7. Draw the speed torque characteristics of a DC shunt motor with armature resistance
8. Suggest suitable type of motor with reasons for the following applications.
1. Air compressor , 2. Ceiling fans
9. What are the methods used for transmissionof power from the driving mechanism to
the loads.
10. State the importantfactors on which the selection of electrical drive depends.
PART – B  (16 MARKS)
1. Explain what you mean by steady state and transient characteristics of an
electric drive. Explain clearly why it is desirable to study transient behavior of the
2. (a) Classify various types of loads. Give samples of loads which are functions of
speed. (8)              
(b) Discuss various factors which affect the selection of motor for a particular
drive (8)
3. (a) What is meant by load equalization? Explain how this is achieved in electrical
(b). Discuss and compare various methods of electrical braking. (8)

