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EC2311 - Communication Engineering (CE) Part B Expected Questions | EC 2311 PArt B (16 Marks) Important Expected Question ...

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EC2311 - Communication Engineering (CE) Part B Expected Questions | EC 2311 PArt B (16 Marks) Important Expected Question ...

Unit -1          

1. Explain in detail about the FM generation using Amstrong method 16) -EXPECTED                                               
2. Derive an expression for the amplitude modulated wave and its power relations.
Also give it‟s time and frequency domain representation  (16)     - EXPECTED                                                                                           
3. i.With the help of neat block diagram, explain the functioning of a heterodyne 
radio receiver. List out the significance of it over the TRF receivers (14)  
ii. Explain any two methods used for generating SSB/SC. (8)

4. With the help of a neat block diagram, explain FM receiver (16)                                                             

Unit -2                         

1. For the binary data transmission obtain the expressions and waveforms for ASK,                                                                                                
FSK and PSK schemes.(16)

2.Explain the working of a FSK modulator and demodulator  with the 
signal constellation diagram  (16) - EXPECTED

3. Draw the block diagram of BPSK transmitter and receiver. Explain the same
digital modulation scheme with appropriate constellation diagram.  (16) - EXPECTED
4. How does ADM differ from DM? Support your answer with block diagram
and waveforms.  (16)
Draw the block diagram of a TDM system and explain where is TDM applied? (16)- EXPECTED

Unit -3                            

1.A discrete memory less source has five symbols x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5 
with probabilities 0.4, 0.19, 0.16, 0.15 and 0.15 respectively attached to every 
symbol.1. Construct a Shannon-Fano code for the source and calculate code efficiency.
2. Repeat (i)  for Huffman code compare the two techniques of source coding.      (16) - EXPECTED (this type of problem)
2. Explain the coding and decoding process of block codes.    (16)

3.An analog signal is bandlimited to B Hz and sampled at Nyquist rate.
The samples are quantized into 4 levels. Each level represent one message. Thus 
there are 4 messages. The probabilities of occurrence of these 4 levels (messages)
are p1 = p4 =  and p2 = p3 =  . Find out information rate of the source.   (16)  

Unit -4

1. With neat block diagram, explain the operation of a typical TDMA system and 
      Compare with     FDMA.      (16) - EXPECTED
2. Discuss the concept of CDMA techniques and mention its merits and demerits.     (16)
3. Explain the Different types of multiple access technique.  (16) 
4. With neat block diagram, explain the operation of a typical FDMA system.(16)
5. Explain the spread spectrum techniques.(16)

*** read all four techniques ****      

Unit -5

1.Briefly describe the functional characteristics of an up-link, a transponder and a
down-link model for a satellite system.   (16) - EXPECTED
2.List the merits and demerits of optical communication systems. What are the
essential components required for establishing an optical link. What are the
various losses associated with it.      (16)
3.i)Derive the satellite system link equation                                                                 (12)
ii.)Briefly describe the losses associated with fiber optical communication systems.(4) - EXPECTED


