Computer Science and Engineering B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 Question Paper.
Question Paper Code: 31297
Third Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
CS 2201/CS 33/10144 CS 302/08030007 — DATA STRUCTURES (Regulation 2008/2010) .
Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PARTA—(10x2=20marks) .
1. Define a linear and non linear data structure. Give an example for each.
2. What is an abstract data type? Give an example.
3. Convert the expression ((A + B) * C-. (D-E) ^(F + G)) into its equivalent Postfix notation.
4. Define a full binary tree. Give an example.
5. What is a heap?
6. List any two applications of binary heap.
7. What is rehashing?
8. List any two applications of set.
9. What are Euler circuits?
10. What is a spanning tree?
PART B — (5 x 16. 80 marks)
11. (a) Develop an algorithm to implement a Stack ADT. Give relevant example and diagrammatic illustrations. (16)
(b) Develop an algorithm to implement a Doubly Linked List. Give relevant example and diagrammatic illustrations. (16)
12. (a) List the different types of Tree Traversal. Develop an algorithm for traversing a Binary Tree. Validate the algorithm with a suitable example. (16)
(b) Develop an algorithm to implement a Threaded Binary Tree. Validate the
algorithm with a suitable example. (16)
13. (a) Develop an algorithm to implement an Splay Tree. Validate the algorithm with a Suitable example. . (16)
(b) Develop an algorithm to implement a Binary Heap. Validate the
algorithm with a suitable example. (16)
14. (a) State the dynamic equivalence problem. With a procedure and an example discuss the dynamic
equivalence problem. (16)
(b) With a procedure and a relevant example discuss separate chaining in hashing. . (16)
15. (a) Develop an algorithm to compute the shortest path using Dijkstra’s algorithm. Validate the algorithm with a suitable example. (16)
(b) Develop an algorithm to find the minimal spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm. Validate the algorithm with a suitable example. (16)
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