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ME2037 Maintenance Engineering Question Bank and Important Questions

, by questionbank2u

ME2037 Maintenance Engineering Question Bank and Important Questions - Anna University 8th semester Mech part B important questions

Unit I

1. What do you mean by maintenance job planning? Discuss various steps of maintenance job planning.
2. What is long term plan? Discuss few long term planning.
3. What are the objectives of maintenance organization and what different types of organizations are in use in Indian industries?
4. What is equipment availability and what are the three basic approaches todefine and quantity availability.
5. Explain MTBS, MTBF, MTTF, MTTR and failure rate?
6. Explain briefly different types and classes of maintenance cost.

Unit II

1. What do you understand by maintenance categories? Explain common types and explain the basis of their selection.
2. What are all the steps involved in preventive maintenance why preventive maintenance is better than reactive maintenance.
3. Distinguish between fixed time maintenance and connect based maintenance. Give the merits and demerits.
4. Briefly explain the procedure for TPM.
5. Explain the repair cycle of metallic materials.
6. What are the functions of lubrication and gives the tips on lubrication.

Unit III

1. What is condition monitoring and explain condition monitoring What type of condition monitoring are normally used in industry
2. What is leakage monitoring ?Explain some of the leakage mediums used forcondition monitoring
3. What is wear debris analysis what are the three wear debris analysis techniques commonly used and compare their performance and uses?
4. Briefly explain the cost comparison with and without condition monitoring
5. What is thermal monitoring and what thermal monitoring are used in industries Explain principle and uses of thermograph
6. Briefly explain various methods and instruments for condition monitoring

Unit IV

1. Briefly explain the repair methods of machine beds.
2. Explain the repair method of worn-out bearing.
3. Explain the repair methods of slide ways and spindle.
4. Briefly explain the procedure for the repair cycle of gears and lead screw.
5. What is failure analysis? Explain their development.
6. Explain the logical fault location methods.

Unit V

1. Explain repair methods of conveyors.
2. Explain the repair methods for crane and hydraulic lift.
3. Briefly explain the equipment record.
4. Explain job order system.
5. Explain various hydraulic and pneumatic equipment used in material handling purpose.How to maintain it.
6. Explain the maintenance procedure for various small equipment for material handling purpose like chain block, chain, rope, trolley and R.G.B.

