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IT 2401 - Service Oriented Architecture - Important Questions

, by questionbank2u

IT 2401 - Service Oriented Architecture - Important Questions -Anna University IT 7th Semester IT2401 SOA Important Questions

1. Explain briefly about Web services as component wrappers.
2. Explain briefly about Client / Server architecture.
3. Explain briefly about Distributed Internet architecture.
4. Explain briefly about Anatomy of SOA.
5. Explain briefly about SOA and BPM in the Coordination Model
6. Explain briefly about Business activity states.
7. Explain briefly about Technical Requirements for Orchestration and Choreography.
8. Explain briefly about Data and Message Exchange Patterns for Enterprise SOA.
9. Explain briefly about Business-Centric SOA.
10. Explain briefly about Service modeling.
11. Explain briefly about Service Oriented Design and Development.
12. Write a short Notes on : WSDL and SOAP.
13. Explain briefly about data points you need for the service contract are.
14.  Explain briefly about Service agents processing incoming and outgoing SOAP message headers.
15.  Discuss about :
(a)  J2EE service provider and J2EE service requester.
(b)  JAXB and JAXR Architecture.
16. Explain Brief about creating a simple Web Services and Client with JAX-WS.
17. Discuss about typical .NET service provider and requester.
18. Explain briefly about the Following:
(a)  WS-BPEL.
(b)  WS-Coordination.
(c) WS-Choreography Model Description.
(d)  WS-Policy and Security.

