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INEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS and Applications (LICA) Important Questions

, by questionbank2u

Anna University
Important Questions
Semester 4
EEE Department

1. Explain the process of fabricating Resistor, capacitor, diode & FET.
2. Discuss in detail about masking
3. Write short notes on etching
4. Explain in detail about diffusion process
5. Explain the various processes involved in the preparation of silicon wafer
6. With a neat sketch explain epitaxial grouth
7. Explain the various steps involved in the fabrication of a typical monolithic IC

1. List out the characteristic of ideal op amp
2. Discuss the dc characteristic of an op amp (Input bias current ,Input offset current)
3. Explain the ac characteristic of an op amp
4. Explain in detail about the voltage series feedback amplifer
5. Explain in detail about the operation of voltage shunt feedback amplifier
6. Explain the operation of differential amplifier using op amp.
7. Explain the frequency compensation techniques in detail.
8. Draw the circuit of integrator and explain. Derive the expression for output voltage
9. Draw the circuit of summing amplifier using opamp and explain
10. Draw the circuit of differentiator and explain. Derive the expression for output voltage

1. Explain the operation of Instrumentation amplifier
2. Write short notes on clamper using opamp
3. With the help of opamp how V/I conversion made and vice versa
4. Explain the operation of positive & negative clipper circuit
5. Draw the sample and hold circuit using opamp and explain its function
6. Explain the working of regenerative comparator or Schmitt trigger
7. Explain the applications of comparator
8. Draw and explain the operation of a triangular wave generator and derive an expression for its frequency of oscillation.
9. Draw the circuit of astable multivibrator and explain. Also derive the expressions for the expression the total time period ( using opamp)
10. Draw the circuit of mono-stable multivibrator and explain. Also derive the expressions for the expression the total time period ( using opamp)
11. Explain the working of a saw tooth waveform generator. Explain the methods to obtain asymmetric square wave. (5 Marks)
12. With neat sketches, explain the response of I order active Low Pass Filter.
Derive an expression for the critical frequency. (5 Marks)
13. With neat sketches, explain the response of II order active Low Pass Filter.
Derive an expression for the critical frequency.
14. With neat sketches, explain the response of I order High Pass Filter. Derive an expression for the critical frequency. (5 Marks)
15. With neat sketches, explain the response of II order High Pass Filter. Derive an expression for the critical frequency.
16. What output voltage would be produced by a DAC whose output range is 0 to 10
V and whose input binary number is 1011 1101 (for a 8 bit DAC)
17. With a neat sketch, explain the operation of R-2R ladder DAC.
18. With a neat sketch, explain the operation of weighted resistor DAC.
19. With a neat sketch, explain flash type ADC.
20. With a neat sketch, explain Dual slope type ADC.
21. With a neat sketch, explain successive approximation ADC.

1. Explain the operation of 555 timer IC in monostable mode. And explain any one application in this mode
2. Draw & explain the functional diagram of 555 timers.
3. With neat sketches of circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of
555 Timer wired as an astable multivibrator.
4. Discuss any 2 applications of astable multivibrator using 555 Timer in detail.
5. Discuss any 2 applications of monostable multivibrator using 555 Timer in detail.
6. Draw the basic block schematic of PLL IC & explain. And define the trems lock- in-range, capture range & pull – in time.
7. Explain the operation of VCO with respective block diagram
8. Explain any 2 application of PLL

1. Draw the functional diagram for a low voltage regulator using 723 IC & explain.
2. Design an adjustable voltage regulator ( 3 volts to 28 volts) with a short circuit limit of 60mA using a 723 regulator
3. Explain the working of LM 317 IC.
4. Discuss about the operation of MA 7840 IC
5. Draw the functional diagram of ICL 8038 function generator IC
6. Draw the schematic diagram of LM 380 power amplifier and explain. And explain its application as an audio power amplifier
7. Explain about the operation of Isolation amplifier
8. Write short notes on opto coupler & opto electronic IC

