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GE2211 Environmental Science and Engineering Important Questions Nov Dec 2013

, by questionbank2u

GE2211 Environmental Science and Engineering Important Questions Nov Dec 2013 - Anna University EVS 3rd Semester Important Questions Nov Dec 2013 

1. Discuss in detail the causes and consequences of over exploitation of forest resources.
2. What is deforestation? Explain the environmental effects of deforestation.
3. Give a brief account of renewable energy resources and their significance.

1. (i)   What are ecological pyramids and their types? (ii)  Discuss the major features of grassland ecosystem.
2. (i)   Describe the structural features of ecosystem. (ii)  Write a note on conservation of biodiversity.
3. What is biodiversity? What are the various hot spots of biodiversity in India? 

1. Discuss soil waste management in detail.
2. Write about effect and control measures of air pollution in detail.
3. Describe the sources, effects and control of noise pollution.

1. (i)  Describe the measures to conserve water. (ii) Write a note on wasteland reclamation.
2. (i)  What is meant by acid rain? How does it form? What are the major impacts?
(ii) Discuss the causes and effects of global warming.
3. Explain the environmental protection act in detail.

1. Write a note on Women and child welfare.
2. Discuss about role of information technology in environment and human health.
3. (i)  Discuss the influence of environmental parameters on human health
(ii)  Narrate the role of information technology in environmental management.

