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EE2254 Linear Integrated Circuits Important (Expected) Part - B Questions

, by questionbank2u

Unit I

1. Classification of IC’s (8)
2. Explain Epitaxial growth, Photolithography process (8)
3. Fabrication of resistor, capacitor, diode, transistor. (16)
4. Isolation techniques

Unit II

1. Explain Block diagram of op-amp (8)
2. Explain ac characteristics of op-amp (8)
3. Explain application of op-amp as integrator and differentiator ( read all applications )(8)

Unit III

1. Explain three op-amp instrumentation amplifier with diagram (16)
2. Explain op-amp as comparator (8)
3. Explain D/A converters (8)
4. Explain A/D converters using any two methods /(16)

Unit IV

1. Explain IC 565 with neat block diagram (16)
2. explain application of IC 555 timer (16)
3. explain functional block diagram of IC 555 timer.(8)

Unit V

1. Explain IC voltage regulator with neat sketch (16)
2. Explain IC 8038 with neat block diagram (16)
3. Explain switching regulators (16)

