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EC2029 Digital Image Processing Important Questions Nov Dec 2013

, by questionbank2u

EC2029 Digital Image Processing  Important Questions Nov Dec 2013 - Anna University ECE 7th Semester EC2029 Part B Important questions

Unit 1

1.Explain the basic relationships between pixels
2.  Explain the properties of 2-D Fourier Transform.
3. Explain the steps involved in digital image processing
4.Explain color image processing and pseudo color image processing.
5.Describe image formation in the eye with brightness adaptation and discrimination

Unit 2

1.Explain about the noise distributions in detail.
2 (i) Explain Homomorphic filtering in detail.
  (ii) Explain image smoothing filter.
3. Explain the types of gray level transformation used for image enhancement.
4. Explain image enhancement in the frequency domain.
5. Explain histogram equalization and histogram specification. What is the effect of histogram equalization on an image?

Unit 3

1. Explain the algebraic approach in image restoration.
2.  i)What is inverse filtering? Explain.
    ii)Explain Wiener filtering for image restoration.
3. Explain Lagrange Multiplier and constrained restoration.
4. Explain image degradation model /restoration process in detail.
5. Describe geometric transformations (rubber sheet transformations).

Unit 4

1.Define thresholding and explain the various methods of thresholding in detail.
2. Explain the methods of region based segmentation
3. Explain Edge Detection in details?
4. Describe dam construction and the watershed segmentation algorithm
5. How is line detected? Explain through the operators

Unit 5

1.Explain any four variable length coding compression schemes
2. Explain the schematics of image compression standard JPEG.
3.What is data redundancy? Explain three basic data redundancy?
4. Explain about Error free Compression?
5. Explain how compression is achieved in transform coding and explain about DCT
6.Differentiate between lossless and lossy compression and explain the Transform coding system with a neat diagram.

