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EC 2034 Television and Video Engineering Nov/Dec 2011 Question Paper -

, by questionbank2u

EC 2034 Television and Video Engineering Nov/Dec 2011 Question Paper - Anna University ECE 7th Semester Question Paper

 Seventh Semester 
Electronics and Communication Engineering 
(Regulation 2008) 

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions. 
PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks) 

1. Give the list of semiconductor materials coated on the target plates of Image orthicon and vidicon.
2. What is potential well?
3. State the application of a diplexer.
4. Why is deemphasis done in TV receivers?
5. State any four conditions to be fulfilled for compatibility.
6. What are the drawbacks of Delta gun picture tube?
7. Distinguish between S-PAL and D-PAL.
8. What is the significance of colour killer circuit?
9. Why is scrambling needed in Television systems?
10. Distinguish between VCD and DVD.

PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 marks) 

11. (a) (i) What is kell factor? How does it affect resolution? Derive the resolution of Indian TV system for a kell factor of 0.69. (8)
 (ii) What is a composite video signal? Draw and explain its various contents. (8)
(b) Draw the cross sectional view and explain the operations of
 (i) Silicon diode array vidicon (8)
 (ii) Solid state image scanners. (8)

12. (a) (i) What are the different types of VHF tuners? Explain the various sections of a VHF tuner with block diagram. (8)
 (ii) Draw the video IF amplifier with cascoded interstage and explain its operation. (8)
(b) Draw the simplified block diagram of a TV transmitter and explain its operation and effect of noisepulses in positive and negative modulation. (16)

13. (a) (i) Discuss the relative merits of magnetic deflection and electrostatic deflection. (6)
 (ii) Describe the working of Delta gun picture tube. Why this tube is superseded by PIL picture tube? (10)
(b) (i) Write a short note on the degaussing operation in colour televisions.
 (ii) Explain in detail the purity, static and dynamic convergence adjustments of colour picture tube. (10)

14. (a) Draw the block diagram and explain the operation of PAL encoder and decoder. (16)
(b) Explain the operation of SECAM encoder and decoder with neat diagrams. (16)

15. (a) (i) Draw the block diagram of satellite TV systems and explain its operation. (8)
 (ii) Explain in detail the concepts behind the digital Televisions transmission and reception. (8)
(b) (i) Draw the layout of Teletext system and explain. How is it used in modern TV systems? (8)
 (ii) Draw the block diagram of DVD playback system and explain its working. Explain how the capacity of DVD can be increased.(8) 

