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CY2161 Engineering Chemistry II Nov / Dec 2013 Important Questions

, by questionbank2u

Anna University
Common to all Departments
Second Semester
CY2161 Engineering Chemistry II 
Nov / Dec 2013 Important Questions
(Regulation 2008) 

Unit 1
1.Derive Nernst Equation for single electrode potential and mention its application.
2. Describe the emf measurement of an electrochemical cell by poggendorff’s balancing method. 
3. Explain the working and construction of hydrogen electrode. (SHE)
4. Describe the construction and working of a Galvanic cell.
5. What are reversible and irreversible cells? Explain.

Unit 2 Corrosion and corrosion control 

1.  Define corrosion and explain the various factors influencing corrosion of a metal. 
2.  Explain the various types of corrosion. 
3.  State and explain pilling-bedworth rule. 
4.  Differentiate between chemical and electrochemical corrosion. Mention any 4 factors that affect electrochemical corrosion. 
5. What is electroless plating? How is electroless Ni plating carried out? 

Unit 3 Fuels and combustion 

1.  Describe the manufacture of gasoline by fisher-Tropsch method. 
2.  What is metallurgical coke? How does it differ from coal? Describe the process of its manufacture. 
3.  Describe the Otto-Hoffman method of coke manufacture and the recovery of various by product. 
4.  What is meant by crude petroleum? Discuss the principle steps in the refining of crude proleum. 
5.  Explain: Gross and Net calorific value. 

Unit 4 Phase Rule and Alloys 

1.  Discuss in detail the Lead- Silver system. 
2.  State phase rule and explain the terms involved in t. 
3.  Explain the various stable and unstable equilibria in ice-water-water vapour system and state the effect of decreasing pressure on each of the equilibria. 
4.  What is metastable equilibrium? Explain this state in H2O system. 
5.  Explain the differences among melting point, eutectic point and triple point. Give examples. 

Unit 5 Analytical Techniques 

1.  Derive Beer-Lambertís law and write all the limitations observed in the quantitative analysis. 
2.  What is IR spectroscopy? Explain the different region of IR. 
3.  Explain the various components and working of UV- visible spectrophotometer. 
4.  Explain briefly colorimetry with neat diagram. 
5.  Discuss the principle of atomic absorption spectroscopy. Give the block diagram of atomic absorption spectroscopy. 

