CS2201 Data Structures Nov Dec 2013 Important Questions
CS2201 Data Structures Nov Dec 2013 Important Questions - Part B DS Important Questions Anna University 3rd Semester CSE Dept
Unit 1
1. Write an algorithm to merge two sorted linked lists into a single sorted list.
2. Explain the operation of inserting an element at the front, middle and at the rear in a doubly linked list
3. Write and explain an algorithm to display the contents of a stack with an example.
4. Briefly explain the operations of queue with examples
5. (a) Explain the array implementation of stacks.
(b) Explain the operations of queue with C function
Unit 2
1. Explain the process of finding the minimum and maximum elements ofbinary search tree
2. Explain the process of displaying the nodes of a binary tree at a particular level
3. (a) Write a function to insert a node into a binary search tree and explain with an example
(b)Explain the operations of threaded binary tree
4.Explain the traversals of binary tree with examples
5.Describe the operations of binary search tree with functions
Unit 3
1. Explain the insert and delete operations of heap with examples
2. Explain how double rotation fixes the problem found in the single rotation of AVL tree with an example
3. Describe the operations of B-tree using 2-3 tree
4. Explain the operations which are performed in splay tree
5. Briefly explain the single rotation and double rotation of AVL tree with examples.
Unit 4
1. Briefly describe linear probing and quadratic probing collision resolutionstrategies
2. Discuss about the two permissible operations in the dynamic equivalence problem
3. Explain the algorithms which are associated with path compression
4. Explain the smart union algorithm with example
Unit 5
1. Explain the Kruskal’s algorithm to find out minimum cost spanning tree with an example
2. Explain the topological sort with an example
3. Explain the prims algorithm with example
4. Explain the Breadth first search technique in detail with an example.
Unit 1
1. Write an algorithm to merge two sorted linked lists into a single sorted list.
2. Explain the operation of inserting an element at the front, middle and at the rear in a doubly linked list
3. Write and explain an algorithm to display the contents of a stack with an example.
4. Briefly explain the operations of queue with examples
5. (a) Explain the array implementation of stacks.
(b) Explain the operations of queue with C function
Unit 2
1. Explain the process of finding the minimum and maximum elements ofbinary search tree
2. Explain the process of displaying the nodes of a binary tree at a particular level
3. (a) Write a function to insert a node into a binary search tree and explain with an example
(b)Explain the operations of threaded binary tree
4.Explain the traversals of binary tree with examples
5.Describe the operations of binary search tree with functions
Unit 3
1. Explain the insert and delete operations of heap with examples
2. Explain how double rotation fixes the problem found in the single rotation of AVL tree with an example
3. Describe the operations of B-tree using 2-3 tree
4. Explain the operations which are performed in splay tree
5. Briefly explain the single rotation and double rotation of AVL tree with examples.
Unit 4
1. Briefly describe linear probing and quadratic probing collision resolutionstrategies
2. Discuss about the two permissible operations in the dynamic equivalence problem
3. Explain the algorithms which are associated with path compression
4. Explain the smart union algorithm with example
Unit 5
1. Explain the Kruskal’s algorithm to find out minimum cost spanning tree with an example
2. Explain the topological sort with an example
3. Explain the prims algorithm with example
4. Explain the Breadth first search technique in detail with an example.
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