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Anna University UG PG Syllabus B.E B.Tech B.Arch MBA MCA M.Tech M.E M.Arch

, by questionbank2u

This is the post to give you a very important thing for the upcoming semester which is Syllabus. so here is the Anna University UG PG Syllabus B.E / B.Tech / MBA / MCA / M.Tech / M.E / M.Arch. So download the syllabus for your respective departments and make use for the semesters. As the syllabus are more important to the subjects to know the units in the subjects and to know the electives you having for the semesters

You can also download the Lab Manuals, Syllabus, Important questions, question banks, Previous yearQuestion Papers for various departments and for various subjects, Just download and make use for the upcoming semesters for both internal & external Examinations. So here is the Anna University B.E / B.Tech/ B.Arch engineering syllabus and also for Anna university M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch / MBA / MCA Syllabus for all the departments and for the Regulations 2008 and 2013

Anna University B.E / B.Tech & B.Arch Engineering Syllabus - CLICK HERE

Anna University MBA / MCA / M.Tech / M.E / M.Arch Syllabus - CLICK HERE

