Anna University EEE EVS GE 2201 Environmental Science and Engineering 2 Marks and 16 Marks Important Questions
Anna University EEE EVS GE 2201 Environmental Science and Engineering 2 Marks and 16 Marks Important Questions from all 5 Units for 3rd Semester EEE Department are provided here below. We will Provide all the Important Questions all all Departments B.Tech EEE here for Anna University Time To Time. Keep visit our website for all Important Questions and Answer Time To Time from here. All the Best to all the students who are going to appear for the examination.
Part A
1. How the population problem in India is analysed?
India’s population problem may be viewed from three aspects
(1) The absolute size of population
(2) The rate of growth of the population
(3) The age structure of the population.
2. What is population explosion?
Population explosion means rapid population growth which is unexpected and unimaginable. The graph of recent growth is referred to as a ‘J’ curve as it follows the shape of that letter, starting out low and skyrocketing straight up.
3. List the effect of population explosion.
Enormous increase in population results in
· Increased consumption of resources available in the environment and depletion of the same quickly.
· Due to over –consumption of natural resources, the environment gets deteriorated and polluted.
· There will be desertification, deforestation, soil erosion, loss of fertility and poor productivity.
· Mass poverty, poor per-capital availability of food for consumption and prevalence of disease on large scale.
· Rapid urbanization resulting in growth of slums in cities and towns.
· Inefficient management and ineffective control at all levels leading to poor quality of life.
4. What is health?
Health is considered as a quality of life that enables the individual to live most and serve best.
5. Define wellness.
Wellness is a state of optional well being. Wellness emphasizes each individual’s responsibility for making decisions that will lead not only to the prevention for disease but to the promotion of a high level of health.
6. Name some health related fitness components.
Muscular strength and endurance
Body composition
Cardio-vascular endurance
7. Define Demography.
It refers to the science of dealing with the study of size, composition and territorial distribution of population; it includes study of natality, fertility, mortality, migration, and social mobility.
8. What is vital statistics?
Vital statistics are referred to systematically collected and compiled data relating to vital events of life such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, adoption, etc. Vital statistics are an indication of the given situation and help us in answering many health-related queries.
9. Name the fundamental rights of an Indian citizen.
Right to equality
Right to freedom of Speech and Activity
Right against Exploitation
Right to Freedom of Religion
Cultural and Educational Rights
Right to Constitutional Remedies.
10. Write short notes on common property resources.
Our environment has a major component that does not belong to individuals. There are several commonly owned resources that all of us use as a community. The water that nature recycles, the air that we all breathe, the forests and grasslands which maintain our climate and soil, are all common property resources.
11. What is HIV and AIDS?
HIV stands for Human Immuno-deficiency Virus and is a virus that can damage the body’s defence system so that it cannot fight off certain infections. AIDS stands for (Accquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). An HIV infected person receives a diagnosis of AIDS after developing one of the AIDS indicator illness, A positive HIV test result does not mean that person has AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS is made by a physician using certain clinical criteria (Eg: AIDS indicator illnesses).
12. What is opportunistic infection?
Infection with HIV can weaken the immune system to the point that it has difficulty fighting off certain infections. These types of infections are known as “opportunistic infections” because they take the opportunity to weaken the immune system which causes illness of the body.
13. List the means of HIV transmission.
There are four main ways in which HIV can be passed on:
By having vaginal, anal or oral sex without a condom with someone who has HIV.
By using needles, syringes or other drug-injecting equipment that is infected with HIV.
From a woman with HIV to her baby (before or during birth) and by Breast feeding.
By receiving infected blood, blood products or donated organs as part of medical treatment.
14. Name some tests available to find HIV infection.
In addition to the EIA or ELISA and Western blot, other tests now available include:
Radio Immuno Precipitaion Assay (RIPA)
Dot –blot immuno binding assay
Immuno fluorescence assay
Nucleic acid testing
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
15. List the special features of Comprehensive programme on women and child welfare.
Reduction of Deprivation
Co-ordinational Effectivity
Maternity and Motherhood
16. What is information?
The term “information” has been defined by Eliahu Hoffinan as: “an aggregate (Collection and accumulation) of statements, or facts or figures which are conceptually by way of reasoning, logic, ideas, or any other mental “mode operation” interrelated/connected.
17. Name some applications of IT in health.
Apart from helping in the administration of hospitals, IT is playing a key role in the health industry. On the, medical care, the IT has varied applications right from the diagnosis, where there are latest tools like CT scans, Ultrasound Sonography etc. Which use It as their basis for diagnosis of ailments. Most of the ICU’s (Intensive Care Units) are now using computers to monitor the progress and condition of the patient, undergoing treatments. Apart from this, with help of IT, expert opinions from doctors away from the place can be sought with help of IT tools like video conferencing etc. Apart from this can be used in the analysis and research on various potential medicines /drugs to be used in medical treatments.
18. List the applications of IT in environment.
a. Remote Sensing
b. Geographic Information System (GIS)
c. Global Positioning System (GPS)
d. Meteorology
Part B
1. Explain about population characteristics and population explosion.
i. Definitions on Exponential growth, doubling time, Total fertility rates, Infant mortality rate, replacement level, age structure
ii. Pyramids
iii. Indian scenario on population explosion
iv. Views on population growth
1. Write notes on human rights.
i. Human rights conferences
ii. Human rights in India
iii. Rights and duties of a citizen
iv. Draft declaration of human rights and environment
3. Write notes on value education.
i. Definition
ii. Necessity
iii. Value education in the context of environment
iv. Principles
4. Explain about women and child welfare.
i. Women welfare
ii. Child welfare
5. Explain about role of Information Technology in Environment and human health.
i. Information
ii. Need for computerization
iii. Role of IT
iv. Application of IT in environment
v. Application of IT in health
vi. Application of IT in environment and health
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