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Code Book for Storage Structures - IS 3370

, by questionbank2u

Code Book for Storage Structures - IS 3370

Its been almost a week since I posted anything. Was a bit kept occupied with personal work. 
Got the time today and hence back to blogging. Was requested for this by one of my students
 and hence am posting this here. Storage structures is an elective paper for eighth semester, B.E., 
Civil Engineering, dealing with design of water tanks including steel, reinforced and pre-stressed 
concrete water tanks along with bunkers and silos both of steel and concrete.
The design of such structures requires IS 3370, an essential code for this subject. This code will also
 be helpful for students who are doing their design project in the seventh semester in the area of design
 of water tanks and other storage structures, the very purpose for which it was requested by a student. 
There are totally four parts but posting only two based on request. So, here it is. 
IS 3370 - Part I Total Downloads: 
IS 3370 - Part II Total Downloads: 

