Cement and its Properties notes
Cement and its Properties
Here's a presentation on Cement and its properties. This topic is a part of the subject Construction
Techniques, Equipment and Practices, of III semester B.E., Civil Engineering. The full credits to
this presentation goes to my colleague and friend,
Mr. R. Venkatraman, Asst. Professor, Civil Engineering Tagore Engineering College. This presentation
is one of the two that was presented by him at the C.P.W.D. training centre in K.K.Nagar, Chennai.
Hope you students also find this useful.
Techniques, Equipment and Practices, of III semester B.E., Civil Engineering. The full credits to
this presentation goes to my colleague and friend,
Mr. R. Venkatraman, Asst. Professor, Civil Engineering Tagore Engineering College. This presentation
is one of the two that was presented by him at the C.P.W.D. training centre in K.K.Nagar, Chennai.
Hope you students also find this useful.
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